Run a simulation on an example provided by STICS project team (

This notebook show how to run a pySTICS simulation on example parameters files provided by STICS project team. You just need to provide a species name and variety to run a simulation. The file usms.xml associates example parameters files (soil / technical / station / initial) to each species name. To use custom input parameters (soil / technical / station / initial), see parametrization_methods.ipynb notebook.

##### Choice of species and variety --> the USM associated to the species
species = 'common_wheat'
variety = 'Talent'
##### Run a simulation

# Read example input files from STICS for the USM associated to chosen species and variety
from pystics.params import parametrization_from_stics_example_files
weather, crop, manage, soil, station, constants, initial = parametrization_from_stics_example_files(species, variety)

# Run the simulation
from pystics.simulation import run_pystics_simulation
pystics_df, pystics_mat_list = run_pystics_simulation(weather, crop, soil, constants, manage, station, initial)
# Yield (t.ha-1)